Statement by NPSC’s Director, Dr. Alejandro Santana

Dear Community Partners,

Over the last few days, we have witnessed firsthand the unspeakable brutality and horror that led to the death of George Floyd. His death reminds us of the events that led to the deaths of others like Eric Garner or Michael Brown. We have all seen how the whole country, and the world, have erupted in condemnation for these acts and are now calling for more social justice, racial equality, and the protection of black men and women. At the NPSC, we join hands with all of you in demanding more justice and the end of racial discrimination. We firmly believe in the collective impact of your work in the community to improve public safety and with it the quality of life of all Newarkers. We are here to support your efforts and will continue to work alongside our partners to bring justice and equality to the city of Newark. 


Brick City Peace Collective: Friday Web Series


UVSO: Empowering Block Group Associations